Sunday Service

10 a.m.


“Spiritual Wisdom

& How to Follow it

Topic :

Your Inner Genius”

Guest Speaker: 

Dr. Will Tuttle

Music This Week


Patty Powers


Dave Marinelli

Clemens Koot
Sid Maestre

Juanita McCoy
Monique McCoy


pot luck

is this week after the service.
Please bring a dish to share with
your loved and beloved family and friends at The Center.
No stress if you forget, we always have enough food.

Youth Ministry

Ages 4-8

Tween ages 9-13

Babies and Children

Babies and Children under 3 are welcome to sit with their parents in the “Happy Baby Room” located on the side of the sanctuary. There are 2 large windows and sound piped in.

The God Squad is committed to providing a safe, joyful environment for kids to experience their highest God Self.

Rev. Patricia Paulsen
Kim Czerwonky
Gina Giordano
Kitty Schuler

See our Youth page for more information


Teen GroupTeen Group

Teens, you are welcome to join in on a fun, interactive experience as we explore revealing Spirit as a loving presence and affirming the Divine nature in each of you.

See our Teen page for more information

Rev. Patricia Paulsen 6/02
Jeremy Donavan 6/03
Bob Crouch 6/04
Kevin Torres 6/08
Sheila Naylor 6/10
Valerie Hodgson 6/14
Beth Pergola 6/15
Larry Seely 6/19
Melissa Sanchez 6/25
Anthony DeStefano 6/26
Margaret Cantwell 6/28

Rev. Dan & Paco Gerome 6/03
Marlene & Wayne Moran 6/05
Heather & Brian Criswell 6/06
Renee & Jonce Haas 6/11
Abbe Feigenberg & Annie Wolff 6/14
Mortonette & Lee Stephens 6/30