For those who are food-insecure, please help yourself to item(s) in the freezer in the Grand Hallway; if you aren’t, put something in for someone

Thank you in advance,

NPR’s Ari Shapiro speaks with Brooke Neubauer, founder, and CEO of “The Just One Project” in Las Vegas, about how the end of COVID food benefits will affect the community.

As pandemic SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits phase out, people will receive about $90 less each month on average. Some households will see a cut of $250 a month or more.

This was from an NPR segment that aired a few weeks ago, so Rev Cheryl and I think that it would be a good idea for us to bring back something for those that might need a little help. Please feel free to bring in non-perishable (check the dates on canned goods, please) as well as items for the freezer. Anyone feeling food insecure or knows someone experiencing it is invited to help themselves. We will get the word out to other agencies that might know of people in need.


Rev Staci & Rev Cheryl