School Supplies Collection, August 3, 2024

Open HouseSaturdayAugust 3, 202410 a.m. to 1 p.m. School Supplies Collection! Our community Partner SAFY is having a school supply drive for their Foster Families! They need back packs, calculators, pencils, pens, notebooks, genuinely ANYTHING in the school supplies...

School Supplies Collection, July 2022

School Supplies Collection!   We are collecting School Supplies as well as Feminine Hygiene Products. Please bring your items so that we can support Las Vegas Teens this coming School Year. Thank you in...

School Supplies Collection, July 24, 2021

School Supplies Collection! Our community Partner SAFY is having a school supply drive. There will be a drop off day on Saturday, July 24th between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. at their location They need back packs, calculators, pencils, pens, notebooks, genuinely ANYTHING in...

P.S. from Enchanted Charlie, June 2021

Dearest Lovelies!, Rev Staci gave a really amazing talk last Sunday about “Boldly Living a New Story.” I am so grateful I had the opportunity to share mine as well. As I reflect on my new life post-high school graduation, I am reminded of the journey that it took to...

Teen Camp Breakfast Fundraiser, May 19th

TEEN CAMP BREAKFAST FUNDRAISER Sunday, May 19,  7:30 a.m to 3 p.m. at Bros Breakfast and Lunch 4335 N. Rancho Dr. Suite. 110 Las Vegas, NV 89130 Tickets: $10.00 Available in the Bookstore. Great food for a GREAT...

Teen Camp Fundraiser

Teen Camp Fundraiser Claudia’s Tamale Sale The Teens journey to Winter Camp continues with a Tamale Fundraiser this Sunday, December 30, 2018, after the Service. Please support our Teens, and the tamales are amazing and they sell out...

Teen Camp Fundraiser

Teen Camp Fundraiser Holiday Gift Boutique The Teen Camp Fundraiser, Holiday Gift Boutique will be one more time this Sunday, December 30, 2018, before and after the Sunday Service. All kinds of wonderful items are available.  Please come and support our fabulous...

Teen Pie Fundraiser

TEEN PIE FUNDRAISERfor Teen CampWill be held following theWednesday EveningThanksgiving Service November 21st.Price is $5 per slice or $15 a pie.If you’d like to donate a pie to this cause, please call the office at 702-255-6412, or sign up at the Happenings...

Youth: Project 150

PROJECT 150 Back to School Success Drive Starting Now! Please see the flyers on the Happenings Table for the supplies and items the children need this year. Thank you for your...