If you are not living up to your greatest potential in any area of your life, you are settling. It can be hard to admit, but when you do, you will finally discover how to never settle for less.
-Tony Robbins
Dear Family and Friends,
I love the above-referenced quote because it reminds us that we are individuals. My good is someone else’s grand and vice versa. We may be living from our pure potential in one area; in another, we feel we can do or be better.
We must remember that we are each unique expressions of the one, and each of us has our strengths. Most of us play to our strengths. My question for each of us is, are you playing full out in your world? If so, then you are living the Grand life. If not, please remind yourself that, as Tony Robbins says, you do not have to settle.
Freedom is truly our birthright. Choosing to live from that place is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and the world. If you would like assistance with this, don’t hesitate to contact a minister or practitioner. We look forward to all of us moving from good to great to grand.
The courage that it takes to take the first step is truly living from the place of the audacious being you are meant to be.