ear Friends and Family,
I trust each of you is working on Making MAGIC for the year-end and beginning of a brand new year. MAGIC for me is (Manifesting All Good Independent of Conditions).
As I mentioned on Sunday, the positive result of my manifestation begins and ends with my belief system. I want a joy-filled, prosperous New Year, so my work is to examine the areas in which need improvement, have the thought of joy and prosperity, and align my belief system with that so that I might get exactly what I say that I want (or something infinitely better).
I always enjoy this time of year where we get a “do-over.” We begin with the first four sections of the SOM textbook, talk about “What We Believe,” our vision and mission statements, and look at the foundation of Science of Mind. We also begin our series of classes here at the Center (via zoom). There is a feeling that comes with making room for something new that always brings about a sense of excitement.
Just yesterday, I had my fifth annual Conscious Creation class, and there were fifteen of us letting go of 2020 and making room for our vision of 2021. Even though the time went by much too quickly, we all enjoyed our time together and did our spiritual work. If you are interested in participating, I may offer the workshop again on a Saturday in early-February before teaching Mental Equivalents (February 13).
We also have a Spiritual Principles and Practices class beginning on January 19, 2021, with Practitioner Kitty Schuler. So our Center is moving full steam ahead into 2021 with a continued vision of Creating a World that Works for all by implementing the mission of Awakening Humanity to its Spiritual Magnificence.
I believe that we have done good work thus far, yet there is still more to do. I am up for the opportunity. Who is with me?
Happy New Year!
Much love,
Rev Staci