ps for last sunday
Staci Hilton

Dear Family and Friends,

We have committed to heart and to nervous system a feeling of belonging and our spirits are no longer isolated and afraid…. [We need to resist the] “will to quarantine” and to separate ourselves behind self-imposed walls.

For this is why we were born: Men, all men, belong to each other, and he who shuts himself away diminishes himself, and he who shuts another away from him destroys himself.

Howard Thurman

Dear Friends & Family,

The theme for the year has been Everyday Wonder and the theme for the last month of the year is Community.

We have discussed and discussed and discussed the idea of diversity. We have expanded our circle to include not only our sister organization, Unity LV, but all New Thought Ministers, those that follow them, and all of Las Vegas. You might say, haven’t we always done that. I believe it was the intention; however, we had yet to put ourselves in a position to attract anyone except those who already knew and understood our philosophy’s ideas.

We have the tools to teach people oneness, that they can create the reality of a new circumstance, that their current condition can be shifted with their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, and that each of us is, in fact, magnificent. Those tools are important for those feeling impoverished, have health challenges, or have been shunned and abandoned by their families and friends for various and sundry reasons; those are the people that need the gift of Community to know that they belong to someone.

We are missing children and young families at this moment in our space. So we have begun moving in the direction of seeing how we might shift that, but my question is, who else is missing from the LVCSL community? Who do you think needs the gift of our love and support? For those that have an answer, please reach out and let me or Rev Cheryl know.

Happy Holidays and thank you for the gift of this Community. My life is forever expanded and changed because of how we are and how we show up.




Much Love,
Rev. Staci