“If you draw a straight line from the tip of a ship and it continues—going straight—for one thousand miles, it will end up in the place to which it is pointing. But if that boat moves by only one tiny degree, for a few days of travel it may seem like that the ship is still heading to the original target. However, that one degree of change will eventually mean that the ship misses the original destination by more than sixteen miles on a 960-mile journey.
That simple one-degree adjustment doesn’t seem like a big deal, day after day, but as those days slowly add up over weeks, you will arrive at a completely different destination than you originally planned.”
― Carlos Whittaker, How to Human: Three Ways to Share Life Beyond What Distracts, Divides, and Disconnects Us-
Dear Family and Friends,
The above-referenced quote comes from the book that our book club is reading this month, How to Human.
It ties in perfectly with Center for Spiritual Living’s theme of the month From Good to Great to Grand. Last Sunday’s talk title was The Steps We Take, and this book gives some excellent steps as to how we move ourselves from where we are in this thing called life to a fuller, greater, and grander experience.
Those interested should consider reading or listening to this delightful book. Let’s practice together, and that will shift our experience as human beings. Book Club meets this coming Wednesday at 4 pm on Zoom.
Please click on the link in the e-bulletin or website to join this month’s discussion. All are welcome, even if you haven’t finished reading or listening. Just come and join each one of us who truly wants to create a better world.