ps for last sunday
Rev. Staci

Dear Friends and Family,

I believe that most of us realize and know where we can go to find Peace. However, we may get so caught up in conditions that we forget, but we have a teaching and a philosophy that teaches we come from a Source, that is Peace.

It is one of the attributes of the Divine, and because the Divine created us, we, therefore, are Peace. It may take some time to get back into our realization of this. Still, if we maintain a spiritual practice such as prayer, meditation, or calling upon a licensed Practitioner, it usually snaps us right back into Reality.

Individual Peace is one thing, but what about Peace on Earth? How in Heaven’s name do we help a world that has so much division? We don’t all believe that Peace is our birthright, so should I just focus on my own individualized Peace? Well, of course, we all need to focus on ourselves first and be the Peace so we don’t get lost in the chaos and craziness.

We are called to do more and be more to create Peace on Earth. Here are a few suggestions from The Peace Book by Louise Diamond:

Let the world into your life; decide to personally be part of the solution to world problems.

Work with others to provide support and solidarity for those who are hurt by war and other disasters.

Respect the dignity of those who are vulnerable; prepare yourself so that your actions will do no harm.

Open the heart to the suffering of the world, and pour love into the wounds.

 If we could commit to practicing these just as we practice moving back into our version of Individual Peace perhaps we might see Peace on Earth.

Peace and Blessings,
Rev Staci