Peace is always at the center of our own soul. Oneness Peace and Harmony prevail.
– Dr. Ernest Holmes
Dear Friends and Family,
I know that all of us grow through troubling times. The human tendency is to look from a place of fear as opposed to faith, but suffering is optional. How do we get back to faith when our minds are in a state of fear?
We can use practices such as meditation to re-center ourselves in Spirit or affirmations and prayer; however, affirmations and prayer REQUIRE belief. Just remember that you can pray for clarity, your faith, and for your belief, and you can always call upon the ministers and practitioners here at the Center.
You can give me a call, send a text, or shoot me an email. I don’t always respond immediately, but I will see it and act upon it in my own consciousness immediately. REMEMBER that the prayer is complete as soon as it is written by text, email, or spoken.
Please don’t choose to suffer. Choose your birthright of peace.
Om Shanti Om,
Rev Staci Hylton