Dear Friends and Family,
I want to thank the Ministry of Prayer Team for stepping up last Sunday so that Rev Cheryl and I could speak at Lake Havasu CSL. They had a mini “New Thought in the Desert” Gathering with a couple of workshops. It was nice to be away for a couple of days and see familiar faces from the Lake Havasu Center.
We got back Tuesday and prepared for our Foundations class. It was a good thing to be rested up because it is being held both online and in person. The count so far is 37 students, and we are missing a few. It was good to be back teaching amongst new and old friends. Classes always bring about a sense of excitement for seeing what each of us will walk away with in the next several weeks together.
We decided to move to the sanctuary, so since we will have much more room, those who still may want to join us are welcome to do so. You will need to let me or Rev Cheryl know ASAP so we can prepare a workbook for you. The class itself is free, but if you want it to count for credit, it is $45, and a love offering would be welcomed.
I look forward to seeing the good that this brings to all who are a part of this wonderful opportunity. I can already feel a shift in my own heart and Mind, knowing that this is a Divine Idea in the One Mind.