ps for last sunday
Rev. Staci

Dear Friends and Family,

Being a spiritual being in a human world can be beautiful and it can be challenging. What does one do to remind themselves that all is well even when in the effects of the human world? Perhaps one might go out and enjoy a nature walk by hiking or walking on the beach, tackling a project, or drowning oneself in a good book or movie.

My way is to give my time to those humans who might need service. I give my time and talent freely to those who might show up when I need an uplift from my fellow human. It may sound odd, but it is indeed a form of care that allows me to be grateful for this sometimes insane human world we all contribute to creating. It is a way that reminds me of how grateful I am for my gifts. If, by chance, you are seeking to see the good in the human world, I highly recommend it.

Thanks, Aunt Jackie, for modeling this for me and Uncle Richard for being the gift that was a model of love, friendship, and consistency.

Peace and Blessings
Rev. Staci