Staci Hilton

Dear Friends and Family,

I absolutely loved Practitioner Amie’s talk this past Sunday. Amie is well educated, well-traveled, a lover of learning, and someone that is providing good in her everyday chosen career as a teacher in the world. For those that know these things about her, one might assume that she should be bold in her approach to the world.

Apparently Amie wasn’t feeling that way about herself so she used our teaching and philosophy to make choices that would allow her to move into a feeling of being a more expanded version of who she always has been. The longer one studies, teaches, and practices Principle, the more one is able to understand how the teachings are so beneficial to living one’s best life.

I hear and see so many that think they know the principles and are practicing Science of Mind, and yet they don’t understand that conditions can all be worked through by examining that which we want, recognizing what blocks our belief system (our use of the Law) and knowing that the Law is always at work. It is so simple and there is not a condition, be it personal (health, wealth, relationships) to the collective conditions that we have created (sexism, racism, social justice) that can’t be changed.

If we have choose to have the courage to look at what would create a better us, place a new thought into Law of Mind and dig up all that is standing in our way, I trust and know that something new will come about in this world. Congratulations and thank you Practitioner Amie for a job well done. You are a model for boldness this year at LVCSL and to the world.

For those looking to begin 2025 with a bold new start, please consider joining my conscious creation class in person December 31, 2024 10:00 am-12:30 pm PST or on Zoom, January 7, 2025 4:30 pm-6:30 pm. The cost is $25.

Peace and Blessings,
Rev Staci