I Am Here
By Sharon Kunde, Practitioner In Training
Ernest Homes describes living life in Freedom with spiritual awareness, enrichment, and the awakening of the Truth within. The realization of the essence of our oneness and connection. I am a creation of God and God in form. My birth on planet earth, endowed with the power of choice and creation. I am not a victim to life events. I know and continue to learn my purpose for being and that God is the life within me and that life guides, calms and supports me.
I am free to make choices and discern consequences of my actions, thoughts, or behaviors. I am strong in realization to change direction. I forgive myself for errors or excessiveness in thought or action. I forgive others with patience and love in their short comings. I choose to travel a path with those forgiven or to journey an alternate path with love. I accept responsibility for my choices. I choose to consciously cultivate and nourish my connection with Spirit. I forgive myself for not living consciously with Spirit most of my life. Today I an God centered.
I recognize that the unknown often perceived as a nebulous cloud of uncertainty, fear, apprehension. Previously I would avoid or gingerly step into the event. I think now that living with God as my center All or Anything or Everything is possible. Life presents opportunities by living consciously with the knowledge that thought (Cause) creates manifestation (Form). I trust the love that I have in this moment. I trust my ability to create love in the upcoming moments. I can step into the unknown or newness in comfort as God resides within me as a steadfast companion.