Choose one of these 10-week Classes:
beginning October 9, 2018
10:00 am – 1:00 pm or
6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
beginning October 10, 2018,
10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Tuition: FREE
$45 registration fee required to receive credit with CSL.
$10 Workbook fee due for every student.
Required Book: The Science of Mind Textbook, by Ernest Holmes
Facilitators TBD
*To ensure efficient use of resources, minimum class sizes are needed for each of these classes.
In this entry-level class you will find a rich introduction to the Spiritual Principles and the complimentary spiritual practices of our teachings. The main objective in this course is to provide a safe and fun place to embrace practical spirituality for everyday living. Included are the classic writings of Ernest Holmes plus the insight and wisdom of historical and modern metaphysicians. The intention behind the design of the class is for the students to move from their head to their heart, to be able to integrate the concepts into their life. In addition to this 10 week class is a mandatory 3 ½ hour Spiritual Mind Treatment workshop.