P.S. from Rev. Cheryl for Sunday Service, March 19, 2023

“Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are.” (The Gifts of Imperfection, Brene Brown, Pg. 50) Dear Family and Friends, Cultivating authenticity is not about becoming something other than who you are;...

P.S. from Rev. Cheryl for Sunday Service, March 12, 2023

“If you are always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be.” – Maya Angelou Dear Family and Friends, As I said on Sunday, being vulnerable will always feel vulnerable. With practice, we step into our courage in deeper ways....

P.S. from Rev. Cheryl for Sunday Service, December 4, 2022

Dear Family and Friends, We wish you a special holiday greeting of peace, joy, abundance and health. Let us hold our world closely to our hearts and breathe peace, love and goodwill into it. Take a few moments and reflect on these words of the founder of this teaching...

P.S. from Rev. Cheryl for Sunday Service, September 18, 2022

Dear Family and Friends, The International Day of Peace was observed this week on Tuesday, September 21st, around the world. The United Nations General Assembly declared it as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of...

P.S. from Rev. Cheryl for Sunday Service, September 11, 2022

“Our dreams belong to us; they come full-blown out of the world in which we work and hope and carry on. They are not impostors. They are not foreign elements invading our world like some solitary comet from the outer reaches of space. No! Our dreams are our...

P.S. from Rev. Cheryl for Sunday Service, July 17, 2022

Dear Family and Friends, I don’t know how many of you missed me this past Sunday. I was in Houston, TX, at the 56th Bell family reunion, which had been postponed for the past two years due to the pandemic. These reunions have been going on for a little over 60...

P.S. from Rev. Cheryl for Sunday Service, May 15, 2022

Dear Family and Friends, Here are a couple of quotes I found to share with you.  “The time has come. The power from within has come forth and is expressing through my word. I do not have to wait; today is the time. Today I enter into all Truth; today I am...

P.S. from Rev. Cheryl for Sunday Service, May 1, 2022

Dear Family and Friends, I spoke about exploring our emotions and feelings, and as we do so, we focus on the mental equivalent to gain a different perspective. We avoid “praying it away” through spiritual bypass, but Instead, we apply our spiritual...

P.S. from Rev. Cheryl for Sunday Service, April 17, 2022

“I am trying to make what is most Divine in me rise to what is Divine in the Universe.” – Plotinus Dear Family and Friends, The creative message of both Passover and Easter is about rising and transcendence. We rise when we transcend our fears,...