ps for last sunday
Dear Family,

It is stated in our Declaration of Principles:

“we believe the ultimate goal of life to be a complete emancipation from all discord of every nature, and this goal is sure to be attained by all”.

I imagine that some of us may find ourselves called to practice that which we say we believe as we gather with our loved ones for Thanksgiving. It is sometimes easy to forget (especially with family) that although we may have grown up together we still are individuals and perhaps hold different viewpoints and world views, and no one is the ultimate authority over anyone or anything.

Please remember to practice gratitude and thanksgiving for all of the many blessings in your life. Enjoy your friends, family and loved ones and remember that those that disagree with you can be your greatest teachers.

Please know that I am knowing that each had a joyful, safe and very Happy Thanksgiving! I love and appreciate each of you for the abundance of joy that you bring to me each week.

Rev Staci