ps for last sunday

Dear Friends & Family,

One would think that it may get old hearing how great, how special, how loving, what a great place the Las Vegas Center for Spiritual Living is and I think that the day that I feel that, that day will be my last day here as one of the Co-Spiritual Leadership Team. We really celebrated Sunday (pretty much all day Sunday) and began with simple sharing and practicing in gratitude of the diversity of religions around the planet.

It was a quiet and contemplative heartfelt Taizé service with our Ministry of Prayer Team sharing prayer, meditation, and readings that they felt shifted and raised consciousness. Kitty started us off and closed us with the right and perfect song choices played beautifully. Patty was accompanied of course by her beloved Dave (our beloved Dave) and led us in song and the chants we sang together.

Patty’s version of the song, One Power, just tied up the service with the power, emotion and love that she is. In the midst of all of it, we as a community opened ourselves up to practicing the silence and stillness that is so needed in this time on this plane. My gratitude and appreciation for all that participated in the service. It was the makings of a very special Sunday.

If that were not enough (by the way, it really was) then we had Marianne Williamson speak and this place went to new heights. There was a buzz and energy to it like never before. Rev Cheryl sat next to Marianne and she was so overcome with the love from the centering, prayer and the music that Cheryl asked me not to overdue my intro so that she would be able to get through her talk without crying.

Marianne validated my thoughts when she said, “new thought communities should be the last people sitting on the sidelines because we have a clue about how to change one heart and if we can change one heart we can change the world.” CSL’s theme for the year is Spirituality in Action. All are called and few answer.

We here at Las Vegas CSL know how to choose love, stand with it and for it so that we might awaken humanity to its spiritual magnificence and thus create a world that works for everyone. Let us not allow this space where we practice love and fellowship to be the sideline. Let us move that love out into the world so that more and more people know what we believe.

Rev. Staci