Dear Family and Friends,
I asked three questions on Sunday. I gave it as homework. However, I really wanted you to consider these questions more than study them.
1. What brings you joy?
2. How do you celebrate the seasons/holidays?
3. What does freedom mean to you?
As I said on Sunday, some folks choose to do self-reflection at the end of the year, some close to their birthdays. Some of you make the decision to take Rev. Staci’s class “Conscious Creation workshop,” which is coming up here at the end of this month and beginning of 2022; sometimes, New Year’s resolutions are hollow resolutions that may not prepare you for all the Good coming your way.
Being open and receptive to all that life has all year long will serve us all. The Divine Mind in each of us reminds us that real-life change happens with constant reflection.
Remember that the more joy we experience, the more we can bring joy to others. Enjoy the winter solstice!