ps for last sunday
Dear Family,

January offers each of us the opportunity to begin anew. It has been a tradition to go back to the beginning of the Science of Mind text book and begin anew with the first four chapters. The Thing Itself, The Way It Works, What It Does and How To Use It. Everyone knows that I love tradition.

I talked about how Rev Staci’s “Consciousness Creation” Workshop has evolved from people creating vision boards to a class where everyone actually visions for what they want their life to be. I loved it and I think a lot of other people did also. I want everyone to know that they are meant to be joyous, happy and free. I want everyone to know that without each of us, Spirit has no vehicle for conscious creation. We are all here as the very incarnation of Life seeking to express and experience Itself as the unique and beautiful beings that we all are. When we are living our vision, we discover that we are more closely aligned to the truth of our being.

Happy New Year!, 
Rev. Cheryl