Dear Friends and Family,
Here we are at the beginning of another month. It appears as though or statewide lock down is probably coming to an end. The Governor of the State of Nevada is expected to give us his guidelines to reopen today. To be honest, I am not sure what that looks like for LVCSL.
There are so many things to consider. Therefore, it is mine to do to move toward what that looks and feels like. Not just mine, but also Rev Cheryl, the Board, and I are charged with moving toward the next version of ourselves as a community.
We cannot go back to the old ways. While much of the old ways were wonderful and we might miss them. We have to always keep in mind that the universe spirals upward. Therefore, yes, there is much to consider. It is an exciting time. Time to free ourselves from those things that we felt bound to, and embrace new ways of operating in the world. It is an opportunity to look at what needs to be released, awakened, and/or cleaned up to express a greater, more joyful expression of this thing called the Las Vegas Center for Spiritual Living.
While my question as one of the Co-Spiritual Leaders may seem a little larger because it involves an entire community, it comes down to what greater good we can do as a community. How can we help? How can we serve more people? How can we awaken more to their spiritual magnificence?
All of us have been gifted a reset button and an opportunity to consider the vision for this new chapter? Do you have a new version of yourself waiting to express? Use the ‘fire in your belly’ to renew your life’s purpose every day and allow your vision to push you toward the new and improved version of yourself.
Many of us may want to go back to the comfort of the old and remember that you cannot put “new wine into old skins.” Yes, times they are a-changing! As Rev Cynthia Clair, my teacher and mentor, used to say, “I can’t wait to see how this turns out.”