Online or in-person (by reservation only)

Sunday Service
10 a.m.
January 2021 Theme:
Timeless Wisdom . . .
Evolutionary Vision
Talk Title:
Looking Above
Music this week will be provided by:
Jan Garrett & JD Martin
Our center is now open to the public
To join us at the Center.
Follow the guidelines posted HERE
Also, our service will also be aired
live on Facebook.
To join us on Facebook at 10 am Sunday
use the following link:
Thanks to the generosity
of our members,
we have been able to
continue our
services virtually.
Make an Online Donation
Youth Ministry
Ages 4-8
Tween ages 9-13
Babies and Children
Babies and Children under 3 are welcome to sit with parents in the “Happy Baby Room” located on the side of the sanctuary. There are 2 large windows and sound is piped in.
Teacher: Rev. Patricia Paulsen and the God Squad members: Amie, Lauren, Kitty and Beth
See our Youth page for more information
Teen Group
Teens, you are welcome to join in on a fun, interactive experience as we explore revealing Spirit as a loving presence and affirming the Divine nature in each of you.