Joint Service

It has been One Year and we are celebrating with a joint service with Unity of Las Vegas, a potluck and Daniel Nahmod!

Unity of Las Vegas

Celebration begins
at 10:00 am PT

His Talk Title:
 “Living Out Loud”

See more information about the PotLuck and Concert in the Events tab

You can also join us online at 10:00 am Sunday

Daniel Nahmod

Performed By

Daniel Nahmod

Patty Powers

Amazing Vocalist & Music Director


Dave Marinelli

Keyboardist Extraordinaire

Patty and Dave

Youth Ministry

“fun” Day School
Ages 4-8
Tween ages 9-13

Babies and Children under 3 are welcome to sit with parents in the “Happy Baby Room” located on the side of the sanctuary. There are 2 large windows and sound is piped in.


Rev. Patricia Paulsen and the God Squad members: Amie, Lauren, Kitty and Beth

The God Squad is committed to providing a safe, joyful environment for kids to experience their highest God Self.

kids at sunday school

Teen GroupTeen Group

Teens, you are welcome to join in on a fun, interactive experience as we explore revealing Spirit as a loving presence and affirming the Divine nature in each of you.

See our Youth page
for more information