Prayer to Heal Racism
by Juanita McCoy, RScP
In this Sacred, Precious moment, I know that God is Unconditional Love, Freedom, and Divine Protection. I recognize God as Balance, Harmony and Justice. There is no separation, only God, only Unity, and this Unity is what I call God. I am one with The One who calls me Beloved, and who says I am made in Its’ Image and Likeness. This is not just my truth; this is true for each person in our world.
Realizing that I am one with all people, I affirm Right Here and Right Now that there is a Silent Power that flows through all of us. It blesses, heals, and guides each of us along our spiritual journey. As I look around my world, I see the beauty that lies in diversity. I chose to see the world that God created for all of us, and that is a world that works for everyone! A world where life is precious and sacred, a world that allows People of Color the same rights as everyone else. I know that their life matters, just as much as anyone else. Divine Love is the greatest healing agent there ever was, is, or ever will be.
Thank you, God, for the change that is taking place. I am so grateful that your vision for our world has come into Manifestation. In gratitude, I release my Word into The Law, knowing it is done. And So It Is!