Dear Friends and Family,
The Divine within us is always perfect, and we, as humans, still fall short. This past Sunday Talk was designed to remind ourselves that as humans, there is always more to learn. If we are open to the fact that we will never know all, then we can accept the gift of more knowledge and more Truth, which transforms each one to a more empathetic and compassionate being.
Many times, youth show up in our lives with an expanded awareness of themselves and the Universe. As we get to know these evolved young souls and begin to hear their wisdom, we can shift our consciousness to be more loving and inclusive of all.
This is the gift that young Charlie is giving to so many by sharing who he is. It is imperative to acknowledge and accept human expression in every way it shows up.
So let us all tap into that Divine Feminine nature and ground ourselves in it, for it is the consciousness that is intuitive, nurturing, and loving and respects all regardless of their gender identity or gender expression.
This is one of the many ways, which we may create a world that works for all.
Thanks again to Charlie and the Usi family for being on this journey with me.