ps for last sunday
Staci Hilton

Dear Friends and Family, 

On the day of my 56th year on this plane, I was awakened to a video Rev Cheryl, and Yvonne put together as a surprise for my birthday. Wow, what a way to begin a beautiful day, better still a beautiful year! I watched with a very grateful heart for almost 25 minutes, people singing, wishing me Happy Birthday, and telling me what they love about me.

I do not think that it gets much better than that in life. I am not certain whether my laugh or my smile was the favorite thing about me; however, what I do know for sure is that this teaching, every member of this community that supports the mission and vision of our Center, continuously fills my heart with joy and love.

In most cases, you all are the very reason for my smiles and laughter. I thank each of you for being the very best part of my journey thus far. Let us see how we can work together to bring more love, laughter, and joy to the world.

Rev Staci