ps for last sunday
Staci Hilton

Dear Family and Friends,

To have Dr. Jami Lula here this past Sunday has been on my bucket list since becoming a minister. I have played in my head what having him here would look, feel and sound like.

So when the Unity of Las Vegas ministers came up with the idea of us choosing a song of Jami’s and then writing a brief talk to introduce the music, there was no question that Imagine would be my song. I have been playing it in my car over and over for the past few weeks. Imagine-Imagine-Imagine-Imagine.

Right after my talk, when it came time for Jami to sing, the microphone cord was not working properly, so Jami had the brilliant idea of saying and having us chant, “Imagine-Imagine-Imagine-Imagine .”I recognized what the universe had done with what I had visioned and imagined for weeks.

What is it that you want in this world that you can commit to imagining for yourself? Imagine how you feel when it manifests and the good it brings you. Please give the universe the space and grace to bring it forth in its own wonderful way. If it works for me, it works for all.

I imagine that LVCSL is a thriving community. That our work here is recognized as helping many souls. I imagine that we have many people laughing, loving, and creating their best lives. I imagine this or something infinitely better. Will you join me in imagining that?


Rev Staci Hylton