Dear Friends and Family,

Rev Cheryl and I had a good time speaking together last Sunday about our theme of the month, “Facing the Fear.” I had so much fun that a good chunk of my talk, which included some action items in regards to how to keep moving through skepticism and doubt, were not expressed. Therefore, I will address some of those thoughts and ideas when I speak on September 27. 

This has been a wonderful week as we had our 2020 Ministers Gathering for the past three days. The Ministers Council puts on this conference for all of our Centers for Spiritual Living Ministers that want to attend. This year it was supposed to be in Sacramento, and for obvious reasons, that could not take place. We were not sure how it would all turn out, but we had it on-line and shortened the time frame. 

We had an hour of spiritual practice (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday), a speaker for the General Session (Monday and Tuesday), and Wednesday, we had an evening concert with Ricki Byars. As one of the members of the Ministers Council, it is always so nice to put this on for the Ministers of this organization who give and sacrifice so much to be spiritual leaders and directors. I must say that although we were all a little disappointed not to be able to be together in person, we were given helpful information in regards to Self-Care.

We, of course, had a great time with Ricki’s music, but most importantly, we all felt the connection with one another that we all have been missing. Things are not the same, and I suspect that they never will be, so we cannot be afraid to shift and change, be creative, and listen to our higher selves. If we are open to creating something new, then there is no reason that we cannot create a life of our dreams. 

If you are feeling unsure or uncertain, please reach out to Rev Cheryl or me anytime. We will get through these times together, and I know we will all be better because of it. 

Rev Staci