ps for last sunday
Staci Hilton
“As you live more and more in the vibration of love, peace, abundance, and harmony within yourself, you actually begin to perceive those same qualities in your environment. It is as if you see, hear, and feel that everything that is happening is serving something “good.” Once you give yourself permission to “love no matter what,” the outer world has no choice but to reflect back the image of unconditional love. When you live in a space of gratitude, celebration, and joy that includes everyone – where all are welcome, and you see yourself in them – the creator version finally gets to have the life it came here to live.”
Sue Morter, The Energy Codes

Dear Family and Friends,

The above-referenced quote speaks to me in my quest to expand my love to more and more people. I usually don’t have trouble with those who live outside the norm. The more I choose to get to know them as they show up, the easier it is to release my judgment and accept. So I read, listen to podcasts, watch documentaries, and talk to people. The best is having a conversation and getting to know the person. Still, the other ways I mentioned sometimes give you more of an understanding of what to say and not to say. My challenges with non-acceptance and judgment occur a little closer to “home.”

I accept that I am flawed as a human and try not to judge myself for it, so “loving no matter what” will be my new spiritual practice, along with still celebrating me during September. I am a gift, and so is each and every other person on my path. So now, I move through the rest of this month with the intention of “Loving No Matter What .”It may not be easy, but what a difference it will make in my world and the world. I can’t wait to see how this turns out.

Much love,
Rev Staci