Dear Family and Friends,
Currently, my awareness around money is that there is a need for me to acknowledge and accept the Truth. My birthright is abundance. Spirit has gifted me with everything that is needed for me to demonstrate more money, more flow more financial freedom through the currency of ideas.
As I sit with that Truth and let it soak into my consciousness, I also allow for the elimination of any thoughts that are counter-productive to that Truth. I release unworthiness, not-enoughness, and anything else that has the potential to block my flow. As I receive, my job is to allow that flow to circulate through me back to the universe to give more good to the world.
Affirmation for the week: I accept perfect assimilation, elimination, and circulation in every aspect of my life right NOW! And So It Is!
Please consider allowing LVCSL to be the place where you allow some of your dollars to flow through to allow more good to go out into the world, knowing that we have the tools that transform lives.