Staci Hilton

Dear Family and Friends,

What a wonderful blessing it was to take the time this past Sunday to celebrate those that have transitioned during the time of this Pandemic. It is hard to believe that personally, I have lost so many people that were a part of my circle. It just gives me more incentive to be the very best me that is possible.

The good news is that we are spiritually perfect while humanly designed to be imperfect. Hence, the expectation is less than perfection. That sure does take the pressure off! Jesus, the Master Teacher, said that he had come so that each of us might have life and that each of us live it more abundantly.

My prayer is that over the past 20 months, the collective consciousness might have chosen to open its eyes and heart and decide to embrace the gift of life and choose to live from a place of abundance as opposed to scarcity.

We each have a choice to embrace the lives that each of us has and decide ways in which we might live more abundantly. Abundance is not necessarily material wealth (although that certainly works for me), but an abundance of rich relationships that nurture our souls, better health, and richer ways to practice self-expression.

This is the triumphant journey that my soul has planned this go-round. I am certainly glad that each of you is a part of my journey. Enjoy your lives by appreciating all of life, celebrating yourself and your beloveds, and give the gift of the very best you whenever possible.

Please know that you are love and loved!

Your friend,
Rev Staci Hylton

Click Here: LVCSL Day of Remembrance Video