ps for last sunday

Dear Friends and Family, 

Last Sunday, Rev Wanda mentioned the great prosperity teacher, Catherine Ponder, who is a tremendous influence in the New Thought World. Rev Catherine is a Unity Minister, and her first book, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity, was written back in 1962. I had not looked at this book in quite a while and decided to take a look to see what stood out for me. Here is what I found on page 32:

“If I could shout only one message to the whole world regarding
life’s secrets, it would be this: You cannot get something for
nothing, but you can have the best of everything when you give
full measure for the good you wish to receive.”

Rev Cheryl and I believe in giving full measure, and yet we find this beautiful Center once again not in a position of financial security or stability. This Center has gone through a tremendous amount of shift even before this condition called a pandemic. We support all that is open to being supported with our thoughts, prayers, time, treasure, and talent, and so my ask is that we all decide to look at how we can support us moving forward.

We have a beautiful Center that teaches a philosophy that has the potential to change the world. Rev Cheryl and I are ready, willing, and able to lead this work to all that are open and ready to receive it. Please consider helping us grow this work and finally grow this Center so that all that want it can know that we are here to support them.

Now is our time. We love and support you wherever you are, and my prayer is that you use your time, talent, and treasure to help us do what we have come here to do. Who is with me?

Rev Staci