“We have within us a power … that can overcome every obstacle in our experience and set us safe, satisfied, and at peace, healed and prosperous in a new light and a new life.”
(Ernest Holmes. Science of Mind, p. 146.2)
ear Friends and Family,
Excuse me for dating myself, but as Paul Harvey would say, “Here is the Rest of the Story” regarding last Sunday’s message. Rev Cheryl and my talk title was Pushed by Pain. Because I find myself wanting to embrace my Sunday messages fully, I often am gifted the opportunity to practice what I preach.
Rev Cheryl and I officiated a wedding Saturday early evening, and I stayed out celebrating a little later than my regular Saturday evening routine. I had a good idea of what Spirit wanted me to share and had some notes on my phone that I had rehearsed in my mind on/off during the weekend.
Spirit awakened me about 2 am with some new ideas and thoughts, and surprisingly, the plan was for me to lay awake until about 7 am. I got up, went down to the computer, typed up the words and thoughts Spirit gave me and emailed myself what I thought was my talk. While getting dressed, I kept going over 3 or 4 talking points and couldn’t get them out of my head. I actually just thought that it was me being exhausted and anxious because of how long I had been awake but didn’t think much more about it.
It was almost like having a song stuck in your head that you keep repeating. While driving to the Center, I just continued “the song” in my head. As I arrived at the Center and sat down to print out the email with my talk, the pain struck. The email had the outline from Centers for Spiritual Living, which was titled Pushed by Pain. I scrambled and tried to type “the song” in my head as fast as humanly possible. The clock then said 9:50, and it was past time to get “mic’ed up” and ready for service.
I allowed Cathy’s centering and prayer and Patty’s voice and the energy of the room to settle my soul as “the song” continued in my head, and that is when I realized that I had forgotten to pick up that which was frantically typed off the printer.
Part of learning to be the speaker that I want to become is not wanting to be so tied to my notes. There was a brief moment when there was a consideration of going to the office and getting those notes, and then Consciousness said loud and clear that this pain is temporary and necessary for you to move towards your speaking goal.
As it turns out, suffering truly is optional, and pain can truly be the stepping stone toward becoming the more expanded version of yourself.
Rev Staci