ps for last sunday

Dear Friends and Family, 

What are you becoming? That was my question for the opening of last Sunday’s service. What are you becoming? This idea of the soul’s continual evolution is precisely what we are teaching and learning in the Journey of the Soul. Rev Dr. Patrick Harbula, who wrote the book Magic of the Soul, which accompanies the class, says this,

“As humans, we seek to become spirit. We strive toward a spiritual ideal. As souls, we seek to become human…Our soul has longed to be human so it can learn and grow from the challenges in life. The pain, fear, and frustration, as well as the ecstasy and triumph that are all part of being human, draw our souls into physical incarnation so we as souls can evolve matter. We reach for our soul to embrace perfection. This is called spirituality.”

In short, the answer to my question, “what are you becoming?” is just a more aware, conscious individual that realizes her oneness with the Creator of her being. I can do all things with the realization of that oneness. I intend to come into complete alignment with who I truly am. How does each of us do that? Well, one answer is through talking less and listening more. That is the power of meditation.

Each of us in class is practicing the art of listening through meditation. There are many forms of meditation, and each of us in class is trying on different ones and seeing which feels best. We have a great group on Tuesday evenings, and I cannot believe it is halfway over. When the class is offered again, I would highly recommend it.

We will be offering in-person classes and workshops again probably this coming fall for those of you that are not inclined to be on zoom. In the meantime, please reach out if you need help with finding out what your next steps are in this beautiful crazy thing called life.

Rev Staci