ps for last sunday
Staci Hilton

Dear Family and Friends,

Our first service of the New Year is always one of my favorites. That has been my truth as a congregant, a Practitioner, and now as a Minister. Something about us all being together and pushing that restart button speaks to my soul.

No matter if we thought the year that has just passed was the best or the worst, we all wait to release and surrender that which no longer serves us to the nothingness from which it came. There is a lot of power in that idea and in the action of it. We don’t sit down and share what we are releasing necessarily; however, there is an energy of knowing that the choice for a better year is each of ours.

Our job is to release the energy and thoughts so we can move forward. There is a feeling of excitement, anticipation for good, acceptance of flawed thoughts, patterns, and actions, and most importantly, a hope that by making a new choice and choosing a new thought, and grounding oneself in the Eternal, Changeless Reality of Truth that this year will be the best one yet.

There is a sense when leaving this building that all of us have genuinely done our work because we each have. I know for each and every person that walks through these doors each Sunday in 2023 and those that choose to watch us online that this year each of us is healthy, wealthy, happy in our relationships, enjoy our lives, and when something interrupts or disrupts that each of us chooses to surrender our thoughts to that which always supports us.

Today it is my choice to root myself in that which always serves my highest and best, remembering that it isn’t necessary for me to wait for the whole world to reboot.

Each of us has the capability of rebooting any time we want. The time is NOW. The choice is each of ours. I am grateful to be a practitioner of a philosophy that always supports me in realizing my good. If you would like support, please contact me, Rev Cheryl, or anyone on our Ministry of Prayer Team.




Happy New Year!
Rev. Staci