Dear Family and Friends,
P.S. to my P.S.
Thank you, Practitioner Lauren, for sending this beautiful prayer. I am beyond grateful for your heartfelt words of Love. I believe that we only received one other response, and while I could be disappointed, I choose to be grateful for the Love that was given. Thank you, my friend and amazing Practitioner.
Your friend,
Rev Staci
I loved your message in the bulletin – even though the reasons for your words are a sad reminder of the work yet to be accomplished. Your call to prayer was powerful. Here is my offering of prayer:
I know there is One Mind, One Divine Energy, One Source that is in all, as all is all. It is the First Cause: Love, Beauty, Harmony, Compassion, Unity, and Joy. Because this Source is in everything seen and unseen, It is in me, as me. Therefore, I am Love, Beauty, Harmony, Compassion, Unity, and Joy. Everything I am, everything I think, and everything I do come from this One Mind, and I choose to see that the the world as the outward expression of the Divine. I choose to see my oneness with each and every being. The multiplicity in how we each express our divinity does not diminish the unity that we are all from the same Source. We all are unique, individualized expressions. No two snowflakes are the same; however, they are made of the same substance. Just as every snowflake is exquisite, so too is every human being. All are deserving of being loved. I seek opportunities to find and rejoice in the uniqueness of each person I meet. I honor their humanity and desire to live their life fully, and am respectful of who they are. Anything that appeared as fear or judgment in my Mind before now is now dissolved, for I know that is not the Truth. I turn to Source and am reminded of who I am and who each person is – a perfect manifestation of the Divine. I appreciate my awareness and my ability to remember to remember. I am grateful right here and now for the Law of Mind in action that is already making manifest every word I have spoken. Therefore, I confidently release my Word into that Law, knowing it is done. And So It Is!
As an aside, I have been singing the song, “I Love Myself,” for the last day and really owning the words! Especially this section:
“I love the world the way it is, ’cause I can clearly see
That all the things I judge are done by people just like me
So ’til the birth of peace on earth that only Love can bring
I’ll help it grow by loving everything
I love myself the way I am, and still I want to grow.
But change outside can only come
when deep inside I know.”
Lauren Ballardini, RScP