ps for last sunday

Dear Friends and Family, 

Last Sunday has to go on record as one of my most favorite days. Hearing Don Scott and Patty Powers’ voices along with Lauren’s Power Talk and Kitty’s prayers really did my heart good.

After service, Rev Cheryl and I had the great pleasure of hanging out for lunch with Don, Mary Jo, Dave, and Patty. We laughed and cried, and Patty sang to us. It was a beautiful, high-energy lovely day to spend with people that I love and admire.

Just when I thought the day could not have been any more perfect, it became even more of what it already was. It is always amazing how when I stay open to the possibilities, align myself with the highest intention (love), practice what I already know, all that is required from that point is to stand in gratitude that the gift has already been given.

I trust that each of you is having a wonderful week and expressing the highest and best good that you have to offer.

Rev Staci