ps for last sunday

ear Friends and Family,

Rev Cheryl and I had a wonderful time last week putting together and presenting our Black History Month service. I am in complete agreement with Rev Cheryl that Black History is American History.

I believe that we are doing a much better job telling Black people’s stories, so perhaps one day, we will not have to have just one month to celebrate the contributions of so many. Many have done such magnificent things in their lives even when coming from the human condition of limitation.

It is good for my heart and mind to remember and practice gratitude for those that have made my life easier and sacrificed so much for me to “be my ancestor’s wildest dreams.” Speaking of “being my ancestors’ wildest dreams,” I need to let you all know that I have been re-elected to the Ministers Council. I say that not from a place of ego but really from a depth of gratefulness and humility.

I can only imagine what my great grandfather, Rev J Arthur Twyne, his daughter, my grandmother, Practitioner Lavinia Twyne Hylton, and my grandfather, Practitioner Oswald Hylton, would think about my service in leadership to CSL and what we continue to build together as a community for LVCSL.

We have come a long way and have further to go to create a world that works for all.


Rev Staci