Dear Family and Friends,
I scream. You scream. We all scream for Ice Cream!
If what we spoke about last week is true, that our passion is our purpose, then by the looks of last Sunday’s ice cream social, many of our members have a passion for ice cream! Thank you, Practitioner Amie, for having the thought, acting on that thought, and providing us with the delicious sweet treat on a Sunday morning. I must admit that I wasn’t sold on the idea, but it was a hit. I am curious about what lies beneath that feeling of passion for ice cream.
All of us that indulge in it probably connect it with many great memories with friends, family, maybe simpler times, or just a time to relax. Whatever your why is for being an ice cream fan, if it brings you joy, then let it keep feeding your soul. It is what the world needs now! Thanks again, Practitioner Amie.