Staci Hilton

Dear Friends and Family, 

Saturday, July 31, 2021, was the first anniversary of my buying my latest car, and because it is a used car, it must be smogged annually. So, in essence, it is time for me to take my car in to have an evaluation to ensure that its emissions equipment is in place, functioning, and doing its job of weeding out pollutants from my car’s exhaust. This past Monday morning, I took the car in, and she passed. So now it is time to focus on the other areas in my life that could benefit from my evaluation.

For instance, Tuesday, I woke up with an issue with my ear canal requiring some attention. It is not severe; however it isn’t currently healed, so now is the time to assess the next steps. My work during my time off from classes is for me to look at all the things having to do with myself and evaluate how those things are currently working for me in my life.

That sounds like a lot of work for someone that affirmed she was “Taking a Break”; however, it really is required for the next steps. How does one know if they are heading in the direction they want if they never stop and look at where they are?

As always, if you need any support in your next steps, please feel free to reach out to me, Rev Cheryl, or any of the Ministry of Prayer Team. We love and support you right where you are (whether you know where you are or not…lol).

Rev Staci