Day 102
My vulnerability makes me invulnerable
Defenses, emotional walls, and rigidity do not serve to protect me. Rather, they invite the very responses guaranteed to make me feel loneliness and fear. It is through allowing my own vulnerability that I invite those around me to love me, honor me, and recognize my oneness with them. Today I open the gates in front of my heart; may love rush in to find me.
Dear God,
Please remove the walls in front of my heart.
May I see the gentleness in others,
And may they see the gentleness in me.
May Your tenderness
Be my strength
And Your compassion be my guide.
~ Marianne Williamson
Dear Family and Friends,
Easter Sunday has come and gone and I trust that some of us have decided what we will let go, release and allow to die with the winter and what we will now allow to rise within our own consciousness so that we can spring forward to our next greater yet to be.
This is a quote from Marianne Williamson’s book, A Year of Miracles, Daily Devotions and Reflections, that was sent from Practitioner Lauren to myself and Rev Cheryl. I am allowing my authentic self to “open the gates in front of my heart and inviting those around me to love me, honor me, and recognize my oneness with them.” I am happy to do the same. Anyone with me?