Take time in your life to turn your gaze inward to your rich inner landscape, to listen and get to know your innate wisdom or your inner guru; the teacher within. This will strengthen the trust within yourself and empower you as you move through the world.- Sofiah
Dear Family and Friends,
Thanks to Rev Sandy for kicking off the month of May with a wonderful talk that gave us some insight into how to move from Good to Great to Grand.
It’s no surprise that it starts with us checking in with ourselves first. What are your desires, dreams, and aspirations for the rest of this year? 2025? Five years from now? The secret is ALWAYS to explore each of our inner landscapes.
This coming Sunday is Mother’s Day, and Rev Cheryl and I will discuss some of the values we can live from in new and powerful ways. Some of those values were passed down through our moms (as well as dads and other people in our lives), and other values may have come about because of what mom (and others) didn’t value.
Please join us this Sunday and celebrate Moms and each other.