Staci Hilton

“Integrity is choosing courage over comfort; choosing what is right over what is fun, fast, or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them.”
-Brene Brown

Dear Family and Friends,

My question this past Sunday was, where are your values leading you? The value that is my primary focus is integrity. I plan to choose another to work with, but if I live from a place of integrity with the principles of the Science of Mind, my life will shift for the better.

I know this works because that is what we get to do in our class work. We focus for an allotted time on our principles. That practice of doing the work has resulted in me shifting my life for the betterment of myself and my circumstances, and hopefully, it extends out to the world.

Next month will be my 10th year as a minister, so now is the perfect time to re-commit and dig a little deeper so that my current life gets even better. It is constant work, and it can be difficult and frustrating. Sometimes, my behavior is disappointing, but in the long run, it is so worthwhile. So, for those who are ready to shift and grow spiritually, you might want to look at your values and, pick one or two and see where they take you.

What you put your attention on grows exponentially. If you would like prayer around this work, please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of our ministers or practitioners, and we will put it to prayer. So again, what are your values, and where are they leading you?

I look forward to the great demonstrations.

Rev Staci