ps for last sunday
Dear Friends & Family,

I have been away from my LVCSL family for two consecutive Sundays and am proud to say that although I did miss you, I am now open and accepting to any and all joy that comes with my absence. Calgary Centre for Spiritual Living is warm and loving and there is nothing like being home. I trust that each of you know that your hugs, smiles, warmth and individual love is always what drives me to be here. That won’t change, yet I know that my being fearful of missing something doesn’t have to be the truth.

I want to say how grateful I am for those that showed up to the viewing of my talk in Calgary. My experience was amazing and really led me to my letting go of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and moving to JOMO (Joy of Missing Out). As mentioned in the talk, it was an interesting experience to realize that literally, there was just the one thing going on and there clearly was no separation except in physicality.

My invitation to you would be to realize, and acknowledge those places that you find yourself in fear and make a choice (decide) to conquer that fear by having the courage to let go of old thinking and patterns and jump into a new way of being. I promise that no matter what the fear, if you choose to move away from it and toward the truth of whom you are truly meant to be that you will forever be empowered and inspired to live from your authentic self.

So let’s practice the courage of moving from FO to JO together whenever possible. Thank each of you for your love and support. I could not have made the leap without your push.

Rev. Staci