ps for last sunday

Dear Friends & Family,

Can you believe that this week is July 4th? Over half the year is gone. Where does the time go? The theme for the month of June was Empowerment and if this teaching does anything, it certainly gives each of us the power to choose to transform ourselves to be all that we are meant to be.

This summer we have a few new classes for our Summer Learning Series that are designed to help us all continue to grow and thrive in our personal lives. Classes are certainly one of the ways that we get to gain new tools or sharpen those that we already have, as well as, be amongst like-minded friends.

Some of the members of the Ministry of Prayer Team just finished an online book study that Practitioner Tina will be offering next month. The class is from a book called, The Second Half of Life and will be four weeks in length. One of the things that I was inspired by was each person that had never participated in an online class, worked through their fears of not being technologically savvy and joined us in class.

Thank you my friends on the Ministry of Prayer Team for the thought provoking last four weeks of class, and for you once again being willing to trust the process. You all continue to move, shift, grow, inspire and empower me through the gifts of you. Happy and Safe 4th to all!

Rev. Staci