Dear Friends and Family,

We are in the season where the days are shorter and nights are longer. Some days are gloomy, cloudy and also cold and damp. What a great time to meet and greet neighbors with a warm smile and friendly hello, and to gather with friends and loved ones to celebrate the Truth and Light of the Divine. 

It is a perfect time of year to practice the Oneness with that which created all. What a wonderful period to reach out to those that may have trouble seeing through the darkness to that which is always Light. 

What a great opportunity to remember that at some time or another most of us have been in a place where a kind word, smile or gesture was what was needed to get us through the darkness. 

Let us rejoice in the knowingness that the freedom of choice is our birthright. Let us choose to be the light and joy to hold up our families, our community and the world. 

Rev Staci Hylton