Dear Friends and Family,
I want to take this time and thank everyone who sent me birthday love in the form of a card, a gift, a text, and those that were present on our “Coffee with the Revs, Saturday! Those that tuned in on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. or had the opportunity to watch later and witness my friend Daniel Nahmod paying tribute to me along with my sister and best friend, Rev. Staci Hylton. Wow! Wow! What else can I say? Staci, you did it; I was surprised.
I have been reading Dr. Daniel Lee Morgan’s book “Guidance for a Spiritual Journey”. Dr. Dan writes about how “at Christmas time, it is as if some great angel waves a magic wand over humanity. Hearts become softened, minds more reflective and emotions purer, and that there is nothing in this human experience that equals the beautiful, magical effect of Christmas”. Until now, that is. I love that I was born at this time of the year—the season of light.
Thank you all again for a beautiful and magical birthday celebration. I believe that what we have been living on this past few months are love and tolerance. The Golden rule is present no matter where you live, what language you speak, or what faith you practice. The talk title for this past Sunday was “Cultivating Light”. I had some ideas to share with you on Sunday for growing the light inside of you; yes, Rev. Staci had me prepare a talk, knowing that she was going to surprise me.
These were some of the ideas:
- Have Fun
- Live your soul’s purpose
- Be of Service
- Take Rev. Staci’s workshop “Conscious Creation” on Thursday!
Be the light you want to see in the world. See/know the light in everyone regardless of appearances, regardless of the season.
Merry Christmas,
Rev. Cheryl