Dear Friends & Family,

Rev. Val led us into the world of Rohatsu also known as Bodhi Day. Rev. Val is always full of love and knowledge. She made references to the Science of Mind text book, written by our founder Dr. Ernest Holmes. (References are listed below) Showing us how Buddhism and Science of Mind and Spirit are similar.

My take away is that the things that the Buddha did we too can do. Some of you may say, well “I am not Buddha or Jesus”. Well I say, start where you are, begin with 5, 20, 40 minutes daily, or whatever works for you. According to Buddhist texts, the Buddha meditated without moving from his seat for seven weeks (49 days) in total before ultimate realization.

Each and every moment of our lives is an opportunity to practice, on the freeway, in our relationships, at work, at the grocery store, the coffee shop, the dry cleaner. Practice being the Presence of Love every day in every way possible.

If we take time daily to examine our thoughts and fine tune them as needed, such that we are in greater alignment with the Truth of who we are, we will know ultimate freedom or “Enlightenment”. We will embody our Oneness with God, with all of life, and truly understand that we are God in human form. And that we can be rearranged and enlightened by this new understanding.


Rev. Cheryl

Rev. Val references:

SOM, Chap 5, From the Teachings of Jesus, ‘The Great Awakening,’ pg 465 – “And when he came to himself.” This is the great awakening, the moment in which we now live; in this moment we are asking these questions of ourselves – Is there not plenty in the universe? Why do we want? In this divine awakening, there seems to be an inner witness who remembers that we came from a heavenly state…That we know the Universe is NOT limited. It is abundant and nothing can be taken from, nor added to it… We are awakening to the realization that the Universe is perfect and complete. It gives. It is love. It is good and wills only good to all alike – nothing can be taken, or added, all are equal.
SOM, Chap 8, The Power of Thought, ‘The Power Within,’ pg 146 – Through spiritual discernment, we see that we have within us a power that is greater than anything we shall ever contact; a power that can overcome every obstacle in our experience and set us safe, satisfied and at peace, healed and prosperous in a new light and a new life. “If God be for us who can be against us?”
SOM, Chap 14, Physical Perfection, ‘How to Heal /Clear Thinking,’ pg 202-204 – In our work, we treat man not as a physical body, neither do we treat the disease as belonging to him, the reason being that if we do, we cannot subsequently free him from it… Healing is clear thinking. Right thought, constantly poured into consciousness, will eventually purify it.