The Art of Uncertainty with
Practitioner Lauren Ballardini

4-Week Book Study

Mondays April 6-27th @ 10 a.m.

approx. 1 hour (may go to 90 min if needed)

$10 suggested Love Offering to LVCSL, however not required


This book has become a wonderful tool to help me more easily navigate all that is taking place in our world at this time. As someone who loves certainty and planning, I am learning how to deconstruct this way of being and learn to work with the Universe. Rev. Dennis’ book is the perfect antidote for those who think they are in control. Please join me on Zoom so we may support one another on this part of our journey.

Books available on Kindle or on Amazon. The Center can order if needed – please call to make arrangements.

Read Introduction and Chapters 1 – 3 prior to first class.


There are many ways to give to The Center

  • Use the link below.
  • Use the donation link in our website top menu.
  • You can also mail a check.
  • call the office
    Monday thru Thursday between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
    @ 702-255-6412

Thank you!