It has been six months since covid 19 began impacting and disrupting our lives. For so many, this has brought emotional turmoil and grief beyond description. One would have thought by this time we’d be looking at the pandemic through the rearview mirror. Unfortunately, this has not been the case. Its ugly head keeps rising up and continues to interrupt our lives in countless ways. I deplore the agony so many have experienced. It makes me shudder to think of the devastation that takes place in its wake.
Our beloved RC would always say, “Look for the Gift, no matter how bad things seem.” Going where the deep meets the deep, my Intuition tells me this is exactly what had to happen. The energy on this planet keeps getting darker and darker. It has for a very long time. The Universe has reacted to this insidious reflection in the only way it possibly can. Since the beginning of time, we’ve been given choices.
Along with those choices come the consequences. We’re aware that the Law always says, yes. Life has to sustain itself, and must begin to replenish. This is a time like no other. We must trust in letting go and letting God. For me, this is the only way I can keep a smile on my face, and my emotions intact. I’d like to close with a poem I read last week. Maybe you’ll identify with it the same way I did.
I live in the stormy present.
I cannot hear the birds as they sing.
I’m unsure of what life will bring.
My parents’ advice no longer applies
All I hear is the pain of sighs and cries.
I live in the stormy present.
My hope in humanity dies.
And then I breathe and remember
The timeless truth of love
And then I breathe and remember
Joy fits me like a glove
Confusion doesn’t define me
When I look within I see
I just need to breathe and remember
My faith is my divinity.