Course Purpose:
• To create a Consciousness of Wealth, understanding that prosperity is realized when our beliefs are in line with our True Nature of Abundance.
• To share ideas and principles of Truth that will empower the student to live a fully conscious, fully fulfilled life in God*. The aim of the 5 GIFTS Course is to facilitate the Truth on a universal scale that lack is an illusion and that God/Love is all there is.
Tuition: $168 for this accredited class.
Book required:
5 Gifts for an Abundant Life Book
5 Gifts Meditation CD (Recommended)
Class Workbook is also required – pdf or hard copy
Beginning Date:
This is an 8 week class beginning on Tuesday
July 19th, 2022
Time: 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Instructor: Practitioner Jamie Jette